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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Planet Antares Vending Machines Planogram

Category management is a structure that enables you to take benefit of market research in selecting products for your Planet Antares vending machines. In designing a planogram, three steps are involved:

a. selecting product categories
b. allotting appropriate space to each category
c. Finalising products for each category

Categories can be further be grouped into smaller categories.. It is easier to make a planogram if there are lesser number of categories. If the categories are more, more will be the variety.
Next, you must allocate space in the Planet Antares vending machine. Each category should get as least one facing. The number of facings is based on the category sales and how the products will physically fit the shelf.

The third step of finalizing the product is the toughest. You will have to consider:

• Core products which sell consistently in all machines. They can represent 20% of the products in your Planet Antares vending machine.
• Rotate products that go in every machine during the menu cycle, but change in between menu cycles. This includes the majority of the products.
• Choose products that can be provided for a specific location to meet specific requests. These should contain no more than 20% of the facings.

Separate planograms can be recognized by operators for different types of accounts such as white collar, blue collar, educational, etc. For example, cracker sandwiches fare better in caged sites; pretzels do better in offices than factories.

The planogram helps you to be in charge of what products are placed in the Planet Antares vending machines. Without this tool, drivers are free to keep products based on personal preferences, or use whatever products are available in order to save time.

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